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When it's not cool to use PowerShell.

October 10, 2020 — Jesse Harris

PowerShell is an extremely productive language. The pipeline looping combined with regular expressions and custom objects allow you to quickly build a one-liner that make it tempting to use for data processing. But when it comes to larger data sets, your better off looking to something else.


Defragging files in btrfs - Oneliner

April 10, 2020 — Jesse Harris

Sometimes, small databasey files get a bit fragmented over time on a COW filesystem. This touch of shell is a goodone to clean them up every now and then.


Ip addresses on your subnet with xargs

September 01, 2018 — Jesse Harris

xargs strikes again. This time I'm going to use it's parallel feature to ping 255 machines very quickly. xargs has a parem -Px where x is the number of parallel processes to spawn of the subsequent process.