Video editing from the command line
I previously posted about capturing video in Linux. While this isn't exactly part 2 of that post there is enough crossover to warrant a link. This post is about how I have strangely found video editing to be much easier from the command line than a gui app.
Converting VHS and DV to Modern Formats - Part 1
Over the past 10 years I've been meaning to convert my family's VHS tapes to a modern format. Originally that would have been DVD, but as it seems that DVD and Blu-Ray would have a limited lifespan, I've opted to go directly to modern encoding formats.
Burning a CD CLI Style
I've written about ripping an album cli style, and sometimes it still makes sense to have older tech around. Like for example if you have 6 kids, you can't exactly afford to buy them all iPods. Or, maybe you can't afford the latest cars, and your car still has cd audio.
Thanksfully with Linux we don't have to resort to some clunky UI. We can do anything on the good ole' command line
Ripping an album from youtube - CLI Style
With the advent of Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, Pandora and many other streaming music services, the need to have local mp3 files doesn't crop up very often. However, my kids either have cheap mp3 players or use their 3ds's to play local mp3 files.
Burning a DVD Video on Gentoo
Quick note for my future self